3 Adjectives : Hostile, Friendly, Natural
The adjectives I used for the photo i chose were : Hostile, Friendly, Natural
I want to portray this by basing my photo on a picture I had taken on a day out with my friends. One is hugging the other smiling wide seeming happy while the second girl seems scared like she needs her space. I feel that fits the three words I described Joel Meyerowitz's photo as.
How would you describe the pace at which you work?
     I say that I work very fast because I want to accomplish my goals as soon as possible.
What are you passionate about?
     I'm very passionate about helping the people around me and being able to watch not only myself, but to see them succeed as well.
Do you work well with other people?
     In any environment I can adapt well and get along with anyone around me.
Do you take work home with you? 
     If it's necessary, I feel it's important to get any work done, in any location.
What motivates you?
     I become motivated when I've been working hard and I am able see the end result and the rewards of my accomplishments in the end.
With who I am, it really depends where you are. In Arizona, people would probably remember me as loud and obnoxious and a few words not appropriate for a class blog. Here, I would probably still be label as annoying but I’m a lot nicer than I was back home. Friends anywhere know my reasons and they can characterize me as a fun strong minded, loving person. When it comes to my family it depends on what day it is. There are days none of us get along and I’d probably be thought of badly but most of the time they think I’m a troublemaker that can be a little nice when I want to be. Most of this stuff is true. I wasn't the best person back home and I've gotten better now that I’m here, but there’s always a reason to why someone is the way they are and hopefully I can portray that in this assignment.