Words to describe me is loud, spontaneous, carefree, a princess (when i act like one), and dramatic. I can easily get attached to things. I always thinking about the past, but im still excited about the future. I'm not on terrific terms with my family, but i know my friends are always there.

Quotes or song lyrics i like to remember is:
We're happy, free, confused, and lonely at the same timeWe'll end up dreaming instead of sleeping
The worst thing isn't being alone, it's being surrounded by people that make you feel alone
Holding in anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die
Laugh at your failures, everyone else does
Grab a good thing when you see it and don't let go
I took your matches before fire could catch me so don't look now
So you best turn your eyes if you're not ready tonightTo watch me burn like this
It's a snapshot smilin' like we aint got nothin to loose
It's not enough that i should succeed, others should fail
No one knows if shooting stars will last





For my public service announcement I decided to do mine on the awareness of eating disorders. I find this a very important issue because almost everyone has self image problems and some lead to eating disorders which I personally dealt with. After a life class and dealing with the issue on my own, I have learned about the horrible side effects even the smallest eating disorder can have on someone’s body. They can lead to death, (4.0% for anorexia nervosa, 3.9% for bulimia nervosa, and 5.2% for eating disorder not otherwise specified) suicidal thoughts, and substance abuse leading to an even bigger problems. Even though eating disorders are more common in young females, everyone, especially at this age, should be more aware of the harm something like this can cause to a person’s body, internally and externally, and know that it can happen to anyone around them.